Sunday, 13 March 2016

Analysis Phase

Analyse Phase

During the Analyse phase we looked at the data gathered of the operation hours and lead-times over a series of completed jobs. We analysed this data in-order to determine the root cause of the high production costs and long lead-times.

During a brainstorming session we analysed the average process hours for each operation in the manufacturing process. We used a cause and effect diagram to pin-point which process steps have biggest negative and positive influences on the production cost and lead-times. 

The analysis highlighted the negative effect CNC milling had on the manufacturing process. The CNC Milling operation is both labour intensive and leads to the requirement of other operations later in the manufacturing process. Wire EDM erosion on the other hand is not labour intensive and produces finished components which reduces the requirement of other operations later in the process. Another advantage of the Wire EDM process highlighted was an ability to run lights out which would have a positive effect on both production costs and lead-times. It was also evident that the design operation had major influence on how each job passed through the manufacturing process.

The analysis highlighted that a reduction in the CNC Milling operation by increasing the use of the Wire EDM Erosion operation would have a positive effect on both production costs and lead-times.

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